To fold a paper star

by | Nov 23, 2020 | Design

Sometimes even I paint my nails.

I have a tradition. No, it has nothing to do with painting my nails, I like to keep them short and clean. The tradition is all about paper and all the wonderful things you can do with it.

Every year, starting November, just when fall is moving into X-mas time, I take out all my beautiful papers and start cutting stripes.

And then I start folding the stripes into paper stars. It all started with my grandmother Anna Lisa, then my mother Eva continued and here I am – folding the stars.

This year it is a little extra special. The rumor about my stars has spread. This is why I felt the need to paint my nails you see.

I got a phone call from someone in desperate need of a “paper-ninja”. They needed me to fold the stars while beeing filmed. Well, you simply can not say no to that can you?! I said “Yes!” and painted my nails.

If your hands are turning into moviestars they need to look smashing. Right?! I will tell you more about the project soon and maybe even show you some films. Hurrah!

Owls as ornaments

Owls as ornaments

Time for spring! Is it only me or did you also start picking branches, putting them in water, hoping for those lovely green little buds to pop up?  Looks even cuter if you put my porcelain owls in them. You find them in my webshop. Tjohoo ho ho!

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Owls as ornaments

Owls as ornaments

For almost ten years I sold bijouteri with small porcelain animals in Designtorgets shops. It all started with a small owl in a couple of different colors and grew to be a hole collection with owls, foxes and polar bears.At my most productive phase I sold my small...

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